Our Communication4Education fundraising program helps local school systems in the communities we serve raise additional funds. And you can help by simply choosing the school you’d like to receive a contribution. We will then donate 3% of your local monthly service fee to that school, at no additional cost to you. Please sign up today. The more we all work together, the larger the donations will become.
Communication4Education is a fundraising program available to all Carolina West Wireless customers. Participating customers can help support local schools in the counties of Alexander, Alleghany, Ashe, Avery, Burke, Caldwell, Catawba, Surry, Rutherford, Watauga, & Wilkes. Visit a store or call (800) 235-5007 if you have any questions. Any Carolina West Wireless active line of service that is in good standing qualifies for the school fundraising program. Certain restrictions apply
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